Kcnscrew 11-15-2018
Kcnscrew 11-15-2018

kcnscrew 11-15-2018

6.4% of 11-16 year olds reported having had a drink in the last week. In 2016, one in three (33%) 11-16 year olds in Northern Ireland reported ever having had an alcoholic drink, continuing a downward trend since 2000. Since 2002, there has been a small decline in the proportion of pupils who have ever been drunk, however there has been little change since 2013. Less than half of 13-year-olds (45%) and around two-thirds of 15-year-olds (68%) who had ever had alcohol, had been drunk at least once. In 2015, 4% of 13-year-old pupils and 17% of 15 year olds in Scotland reported drinking in the seven days prior to completing the survey. As displayed in Figure 1, there has been a gradual decline in the proportion of 15-year-old pupils who consumed alcohol in the last week, from 48% in 2000 to 18% in 2014. While data from 2016-2018 cannot be compared to previous years (due to a change in questionnaire wording), we can look at the trends over the last decade until 2014 (the year before the questionnaire changed). Of those who said they had been drunk in the last four weeks, 64% of boys and 65% of girls said that they had done so deliberately. In 2018, of pupils who had consumed alcohol in the last four weeks, 43% said that they had been drunk at least once during that time. Approximately one-fifth (21%) of pupils who drank in the last week had consumed 15 or more units of alcohol. On average, English pupils who said they drank alcohol in the last week consumed 5.0 units (median) equivalent to around two and a half pints of ABV 4% beer-5.5 units for boys, 5.0 units for girls 7. 5 Almost (57%) of those who drank in the last week had consumed alcohol only on one day in that week. In 2018, one in ten (10%) pupils aged 11-15 in England had drunk alcohol in the last week-the same as 2016. 4 Have drunk alcohol in the last week? England In 2015, 28% of 13-year-old pupils and 66% of 15-year-old pupils in Scotland reported ever having had an alcohol drink – the lowest rate since the survey began in 1990. The proportion of pupils who have ever had an alcoholic drink was found to increase with age from 14% of 11-year-olds to 70% of 15-year-olds. In 2018, over two-fifths (44%) aged 11-15 in England had ever drunk alcohol (43% of girls and 43% of boys). You can find Local Authority (LA) level data via Public Health England's data visualisation tool. This survey asked 15 year olds in schools across England about different health behaviours, including alcohol consumption 1. If you are looking for Local Authority (LA) level data, you may be interested in the What about YOUth 2014 (WAY 2014) survey. Data for the UK underage population is presented below.

Kcnscrew 11-15-2018